Almost everyone has some sort of hobby. Whether it’s playing a sport, dancing, singing, painting, playing an instrument or solving a Rubik’s cube, it makes us happy because it’s something we truly enjoy doing. The more we advance in our education, the more likely we are to succumb under pressure. The solution however isn’t giving up your hobby, and here are 5 reasons why.
1. Hobbies teach us valuable skills.
The competences sports and other pass time activities teach us aren’t only related to the hobby per se. It is scientifically proven year after year that people who keep themselves occupied have great time management skills. You learn how to organise your day in a way that you get everything done because you don’t prioritise one thing over another, you simply find the correct balance between them. Especially when you take up your hobbies to a professional level, you instill in yourself the value of commitment. Rain or shine, grumpy or content, you always attend training or practice or lessons. You then apply this same reasoning to everything you do, making you a responsible and reliable person. The way you deal with pressure on stage or on the playing field is reflective in how to deal with pressure when meeting deadlines and sitting for exams too.
2. Self expression.
Adolescence and youth can be a very emotional period of our lives. And it’s not easy for everyone to just speak out their feelings with a friend, family member, or therapist. That’s why many use their hobbies as an outlet to express themselves. Not everyone does this the same way, it could be through essay writing, creating music, choreography, drawing/painting, makeup, photography, swimming, kicking a ball or doing somersaults among so many other different methods. Giving up your hobby restricts your self expression which eventually may lead you to feel misunderstood, alone, and burdened by your thoughts and sentiments.
3. Mental Health.
This continues with the previous point made. Apart from being a form of expression, hobbies are also stress relievers. You pursue your hobbies because you are passionate about them and so they spark joy. Carrying them out puts a smile on your face and makes you genuinely happy. After a long, stressful day it’s the thing you’d be most looking forward to. Hobbies act as a perfect well-deserved break for all your hard work and efforts. Moreover, if you’re going through a rough patch your hobby usually acts as an escape from your problems and the real world. You enter your own universe for those 2 hours and solely focus on your hobby, as if nothing else exists. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and dropping your hobby is bound to put it at risk.
4. You have a life beyond school.
Whilst it is vital to understand that education is important and a powerful tool, it isn’t the only thing in your life. We are all capable of several things that have the potential to not only bring joy to ourselves but to those around us too. It would be a shame to keep people from seeing our artistic dance performances, laughing at our comedy shows, watching our heated football matches, admiring our beautiful paintings and photographs, hearing our meaningful music and reading our grasping articles just because of school. Our talents and capabilities are endless, let them shine not store them inside you!
5. Difficult to return once you stop.
Most of the time the intention of those who quit their hobby is to get back to it once their life becomes less frantic. The sad truth is that as we get older, the weight on our shoulders and responsibilities grow with us. So unfortunately not many actually return back to doing what they loved most. And even if you do decide to get back to it, it’s extremely tough. Chances are you’ll be stiff and rusty, and it will take ample time for your body to get into it again. We’re so used to our routines that making time for our hobby again is near to impossible.
The way I see it, we need to stop seeing our hobbies as something extra but start to consider them as a part of us, part of our identity. If we change our mentality to think about it that way, we’re bound to be happier and manage our lives better!